Love Gone Wild! Two Ladies Wrestle Over Cupid's Arrow Target, Land Behind Bars - News Comics

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Published (Updated) on Saturday, February 17, 2024

NEWS COMICS — In a turn of events that can only be described as a scene straight out of a cartoon, two women in the town of Sweetheartsville, a place renowned for its romantic vibes, have landed themselves behind bars on Valentine's Day. Why, you ask? Well, love, as it turns out, really does make people go wild.

It all began when the local heartthrob, a charming young man who could give even the Greek god Adonis a run for his money, stepped out of the grocery store with a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. As fate would have it, both Jennifer "The Valentine Vixen" and Emily "The Love Goddess", his two admirers, just happened to be walking by at that very moment.

What happened next can only be described as a romantic comedy gone horribly wrong. The two women, both determined to win the affection of the handsome bachelor, locked eyes and simultaneously charged at him like two bulls in a cartoonish arena.

As they collided into him, the poor man, who was not prepared for this sudden outburst of affection, dropped his flowers and chocolates in shock. The roses scattered across the ground like a scene out of a movie, and the box of chocolates burst open, sending pieces flying through the air.

With the chocolatey debris still settling in the air, the two women proceeded to engage in a comical battle that would put any cartoonish slapstick brawl to shame. They pulled each other's hair, threw wild punches, and even tried to shove each other into nearby puddles. It was like a live-action cartoon that had suddenly sprung to life.

The commotion quickly caught the attention of nearby bystanders, who were left in shock and amusement as they tried to make sense of the chaos that had erupted in front of them.
"I've never seen anything like it!" said one woman who had been passing by with her shopping bags. "It was like a scene straight out of a cartoon, but with real people! I mean, two women fighting over a man on Valentine's Day? Who would have thought!"

As the two women continued to duke it out, the man they were fighting over could only watch in horror as his romantic gesture turned into a full-blown melee. He even attempted to intervene, but to no avail. It was like watching a cartoon where the characters are caught in a whirlwind of slapstick humor and exaggerated actions.

The spectacle of flying roses, scattering chocolates, and two women engaged in a cartoonish brawl quickly attracted the attention of the local police, who arrived just in time to witness the grand finale of this rom-com turned action movie.

With sirens blaring and lights flashing, the police officers quickly rushed to the scene, attempting to restore order and separate the two women. It was a task that proved to be easier said than done, as the women were so consumed by their "romantic" rivalry that they refused to back down.

After what felt like an eternity, the police officers were finally able to separate the women and put an end to the chaos. But, of course, the story doesn't end there. As a result of their actions, both Jennifer "The Valentine Vixen" and Emily "The Love Goddess" were promptly arrested and hauled off to the local police station, where they spent the rest of Valentine's Day behind bars.

And so, what began as a simple act of romantic gesture turned into a cartoonish spectacle of epic proportions. The moral of the story? Well, perhaps love does make people go wild, but it's important to remember that it should never involve hair-pulling, chocolate-throwing, or getting arrested on Valentine's Day.

*Note: Comic story just for humor only.

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