NewsBlisto Goes to Church: Hallelujah Meets Hilarity in this Divine Comedy! - News Comics

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Published (Updated) on Sunday, January 28, 2024

NEWS COMICS — This past Sunday, our beloved comic news hero, NewsBlisto, decided to take a break from his usual antics and attend church service. The congregation of St. Giggle's Church had no idea what they were in for when NewsBlisto walked in, satellite dish blister proudly displayed on his shoulder.

NewsBlisto took his seat in the front row, reporter's notebook and pen at the ready. As the priest began his sermon, NewsBlisto couldn't help but interject with his own witty comments and observations. "Father, that was quite the 'heavenly' pun! You could say it was 'divinely' inspired!" he quipped. The congregation couldn't help but chuckle at NewsBlisto's enthusiasm.

When it came time to sing the hymns, NewsBlisto added his own humorous lyrics to the traditional songs. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me... although my singing might make you reconsider that 'amazing' part," he sang with gusto. The congregation couldn't help but join in with their own laughter.

As the service continued, NewsBlisto couldn't resist using the pew in front of him as a makeshift stage for his one-man comedy show. "This pew is so uncomfortable, I feel like I'm doing penance just by sitting here!" he joked. The congregation couldn't help but laugh along, appreciating the levity NewsBlisto brought to the service.

When the priest finished his sermon, he invited NewsBlisto to share any final thoughts with the congregation. Never one to miss an opportunity to make people laugh, NewsBlisto stood up and proclaimed, "My friends, remember, even when times are tough, always look on the bright side of life... just like this priest's shining bald head!" The congregation erupted in laughter, and even the priest couldn't help but chuckle at NewsBlisto's irreverent humor.

As the service came to a close, NewsBlisto bid farewell to the congregation, promising to return soon with more news and laughter. And as he left, the congregation couldn't help but feel blessed - not only by the service, but also by the joy and humor that NewsBlisto brought with him.

*Note: Comic story just for humor only.

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