Man Wakes Up with Two Mouths and Double the Hunger Pangs! - News Comics

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Published (Updated) on Saturday, September 16, 2023

NEWS COMICS — In a bizarre incident that has left the medical community scratching their heads, a man has awakened to find himself with not one, but two mouths! It's like he's developing into a mutant Marvel villain, but with no superpowers.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, initially thought he was dreaming when he felt a strange sensation in his face upon waking up. Which is fair, because no one ever wakes up with two mouths unless they're dreaming. The question is, did he pinch himself to check if he was indeed awake?

But upon further inspection, he discovered a gnarly second mouth located just below his original one. That's one way to double up on the laughter when you're cracking jokes. It's always good to have a backup plan.

When we caught up with him, he exclaimed, "You know how they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, now I have twice as much appetite to satisfy! It's a win-win, I guess." That's one way to look at it, my friend. Now he can eat double bacon, double eggs, and double pancakes from his favorite diner.

Doctors, while perplexed, have essentially given him a clean bill of health, stating that there are no major risks associated with having two mouths. However, they did warn him to be careful when brushing his teeth, lest he accidentally swallow toothpaste. I mean, it's not like he can help it, but what a sight it would be to see him brushing his teeth and foam coming out of one mouth while trying to keep the other shut.

Upon hearing the news, local restaurant owners have already begun to salivate at the thought of attracting the man's double-decker appetite. "We may have to start expanding our seating capacity just to accommodate this guy," said a local diner owner with a chuckle. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a food-loving customer with two mouths?

As for the man himself, he's taking it all in stride, accepting that he has been gifted with the special talent of being able to chow down twice as much food as his peers. I mean, forget those big appetizers; he can eat two big meals. It's like he's been blessed by the food gods.

Friends and family members have promised to support him in these trying times, insisting that they will "always have an extra fork on hand!" Well, at least he'll always have a dining companion. But let's hope they have a big stomach too, or they'll run out of food for him.

All in all, it appears that this strange condition may have turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the man. Who knows, perhaps he may even become the next competitive eater sensation! Move over, Joey Chestnut, we have a new guy in town!

*Note: Comic story just for humor only.

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