
WHO Report Highlights Unequal Availability of Morphine Worldwide, Calling It a "Medical and Moral Emergency"

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Published (Updated) on Monday, July 3, 2023

A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals the unequal distribution of morphine and its effect on pain relief.

Morphine, a vital drug used to alleviate chronic pain, is not available worldwide, particularly in lower-income countries. Washington Post reports.

The report highlights the deep disparities in who has access to morphine. Higher-income countries have greater access, while lower-income countries suffer from irregular supply, local policies, lack of providers, and stigma.

WHO suggests creating affordable pricing policies worldwide, establishing distribution hubs and expanding access to people not suffering from cancer and HIV.

They further recommend training healthcare providers and educating patients on morphine's proper use and establishing a database for safe prescription management.

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