Russian Officials Issue Arrest Warrant for US Senator Lindsey Graham Over "Russophobic Remarks" - News

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Published (Updated) on Tuesday, May 30, 2023

MOSCOW — Russian authorities have reportedly issued an arrest warrant for United States Senator Lindsey Graham over allegations of his "Russophobic statements," as stated in Russian media. Moscow Times reports.

This move comes after the senator attended a meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine with President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which Graham reportedly commented on Russian deaths and called American assistance to Ukraine "the best money we ever spent."

Russian officials have responded aggressively to Graham's comments, alleging direct financial involvement in the deaths of Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine, and have opened a criminal investigation into the senator. However, an unedited version of the video exchange reveals that Graham’s seemingly linked phrases were made separately and that his remarks about "the best money we ever spent" predated the discussions about Russians dying.

This latest move by the Russian authorities is not the first time Graham's comments on the war have drawn criticism from Moscow. Graham has previously made comments suggesting that someone should "take out" Russian President Vladimir Putin on social media, which the Russian ambassador to the US called "criminal" and a "call to terrorism."

Despite the arrest warrant, Graham has dismissed the criticism and reaffirmed the importance of US assistance to Ukraine in combating Russian aggression. He made clear that "It has been a good investment by the United States to help liberate Ukraine from Russian war criminals."

As the situation continues to develop, it remains unclear what further actions, if any, will be taken against Senator Graham by Russian officials. However, the incident has underscored the continuing tensions between the United States and Russia over the ongoing civil war in Ukraine.

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