ARTICLE: Movement of babies during pregnancies:

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Published (Updated) on Tuesday, December 27, 2011
As your baby is continuing to develop he/she will stretch and flex his/her limbs. As you get further along in your pregnancy, you will begin to feel more obvious movements, such as kicking, punching, and rolling. Your baby may also move as he/she responds to noise or to your emotions. If your baby finds a position that you are in to be uncomfortable, he/she may also begin to squirm. Certain foods you eat could also cause your baby to be more active, and you may notice that he/she follows a sleeping/waking cycle.
As you get further along in your pregnancy, you will need to keep track of how often your baby moves each day. Sometime in the third trimester you may notice that your baby’s movements are more frequent and vigorous and occur in a regular pattern. Though movements are still regular, they may decrease after week 32 because the baby is bigger and more restricted in the uterus.

Beginning with week 28, it is beneficial to begin counting your baby’s movements. This will help you to identify potential problems and can also be a great bonding experience between you and your baby. Using a kick count chart can be very helpful. When counting your baby’s movements choose the same time each day. It might be easiest to lie on your left side and record how long it takes to feel 10 movements. For further information about recording movements see kick counts.....
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