Are Smartphones and Other Mobile Gadgets Safe from Cyber Remote Controls, Attacks and Manipulations? - Cyber Security Q and A • Safety Measures and Tips

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Published (Updated) on Friday, September 20, 2024

Cyber Security Q and A — Smartphones and other mobile gadgets are not completely safe from cyber remote controls, attacks, and manipulations. With the increasing reliance on these devices for communication, banking, online shopping, and other sensitive activities, they have become attractive targets for cybercriminals, hackers, and spy intelligence agents

There are several ways in which cybercriminals can remotely control or attack smartphones and mobile gadgets:

• Malware:
Malicious software like viruses, trojans, and ransomware can be installed on a device through phishing emails, malicious websites, or apps. Once installed, malware can steal sensitive information, monitor keystrokes, or take control of the device remotely.

• Man-in-the-middle Attacks:
This type of attack involves intercepting communication between the device and a server to eavesdrop on or manipulate the data being transmitted. This can be used to steal login credentials, personal information, or financial data.

• Public Wi-Fi Attacks:
When connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, there is a risk of cybercriminals intercepting data transmitted between the device and the network. This can lead to sensitive information being stolen or manipulated.

* To protect yourself smartphones and other mobile gadgets from cyber remote controls, attacks, and manipulations, here are some safety measures that can be implemented:

• Install Trusted Antivirus Software:
Genuine antivirus software from a trusted source can detect and remove malware from your mobile devices or gadgets, protecting them from malicious attacks.

• Keep Software and Apps Updated:
Regularly updating the operating system and apps on your mobile phones and devices can patch security vulnerabilities and protect you against known threats.

• Use Strong Passwords and App Locks:
Create strong, unique passwords for each of your mobile accounts and enable two-factor authentication where possible to add an extra layer of security. In addition, create locks or password all sensitive Apps on your smartphones or other mobile smart gadgets.

• Avoid Public Wi-Fi Networks:
Limit the use of public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive activities like online banking or shopping. You can use a trusted virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt data transmitted between your device and public mobile communication networks.

• Be Cautious of Phishing Emails, Message Alerts, and Website Links:
Avoid clicking on website links and obscure short urls in message alerts, Whatapp texts and emails. Also avoid downloading attachments from unknown or suspicious sources. Verify the authenticity of your emails, mobile messages, and websites before providing any personal information.

• Secure the Device Physically:
Enable device encryption, set up a screen lock, and use biometric authentication methods like fingerprint or face recognition to prevent unauthorized access to the device.

* For more understanding on how to keep your mobile devices safe from cyber attacks, consult a seasoned and trusted cyber security expert.

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