
Teenage Delivery Driver Fatally Shot by Police Sparks Violent Protests in Paris Suburb

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Published (Updated) on Wednesday, June 28, 2023

FRANCE — Violence erupted in a Paris suburb on Tuesday night as protests intensified following the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old delivery driver by police during a traffic stop.

The incident occurred in the western suburb of Nanterre when law enforcement pulled over the teenager, driving a rental car, for multiple traffic violations.

Startling online footage reveals two police officers attempting to detain the driver, one of them brandishing his weapon and firing at point-blank range as the young driver attempts to flee. The vehicle manages to cover a short distance before crashing.

Despite emergency services' efforts to revive him at the scene, the young driver tragically succumbed to his injuries. Two other occupants were present in the car during the incident. One passenger managed to escape, while the second, also a minor, was apprehended and taken into custody. The officer responsible for firing the fatal shot has been arrested and faces charges of homicide, according to the Nanterre prosecutors' office.

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