
Is 72 decibels noisy or loud? - Q and A : Noise Level

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Published (Updated) on Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A sound level of 72 decibels can be considered moderately loud, but not necessarily noisy. At this level, it could be compared to the noise level of a vacuum cleaner or a shower.

However, if you are exposed to this level of noise for an extended period of time, it could cause hearing damage or tinnitus.

It is recommended that noise levels above 70 decibels for prolonged periods of time should be avoided or minimized to reduce the risk of hearing loss or damage.

Decibels (dB) are used to measure the intensity or loudness of sound.

For more understanding about Decibels (dB), consult an acoustician or acoustical engineer who specializes in measuring and assessing decibels or noise levels.

Acousticians / acoustical engineers have expertise in studying and analyzing sound, its properties, and its effects on various environments.

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