
Groundwater Extraction Affects Earth's Tilt and Global Sea Levels, Says Study - An Impending Threat to Earth's Surface and Rotation

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Published (Updated) on Saturday, February 1, 2025

A new study has shown that the persistent extraction of groundwater over many years has caused the Earth’s rotational pole to drift eastwards by about 1.7 inches (4.3 centimeters) annually. The research also revealed that this shift is evident on the Earth’s surface, contributing to global sea level rise. CNN reports.

Groundwater serves as drinking water for both humans and livestock, and aids crop irrigation in the event of scarce rainfall. But, according to the findings, extraction has removed so much liquid from subterranean reserves that the planet’s rotational axis has altered significantly.

Aquifers below the planet’s surface are estimated to contain more than 1,000 times the water of all the surface rivers and lakes combined.

Groundwater Extraction: An Impending Threat to Earth's Surface and Rotation

Groundwater, an essential resource for human and animal consumption, crop irrigation, and industrial purposes, is being depleted at an alarming rate globally. Extraction of groundwater over many years has led to a dangerous shift in the Earth's rotational axis, causing potentially catastrophic consequences.

Persistent groundwater extraction can significantly disturb the balance of water levels below the Earth's surface. The weight of the planet undergoes significant changes when groundwater is removed extensively, disturbing its rotation, tilt, and overall position. Consequently, this leads to severe consequences such as an increase in the intensity and frequency of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, rising sea levels, and habitat destruction.

Human-induced practices such as over-irrigation, over-abstraction of groundwater for energy, industrial purposes, and overconsumption in general are contributing to the massive depletion of groundwater resources. Overpopulation, climate change, land-use changes, and deforestation have all contributed to rising demand for groundwater sources.

Groundwater is a crucial component of the water cycle and is only recharged through rain and surface water percolation, making it a finite resource. Depletion of this resource has far-reaching implications for the planet, including the loss of biodiversity, sinking of land due to compaction, land subsidence, and changes in the Earth's surface topography.

It is imperative to adopt more sustainable approaches to managing and conserving the groundwater resources of the planet. There have been progressive efforts towards the management of groundwater resources globally which include constructing new recharge systems, implementing conservation practices such as drip irrigation, and recycling wastewater for reuse.

To mitigate the depletion of groundwater sources, regulating groundwater extraction could be imposed by using policies, laws or creating funds to support locals to switch to rainwater harvesting solutions, drilling deeper wells, or using alternative water sources. These measures can ensure that groundwater resources are utilized sustainably to reduce its impact on the planet's rotation and surface.

In summary, with the growing pressure on groundwater resources and the planet's resources in general, there is a need for awareness campaigns on the need for responsible groundwater use, reducing overconsumption and ensuring protection of the planet's finite water source.

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