Messaging app Telegram has issued a dire warning that democracy in Brazil is in peril and people's freedom of speech is at risk. The company has expressed its deep concern about the proposed bill (Bill 2630) that has been introduced to suppress disinformation. Telegram claims that the bill is an attempt by the government to censor people without prior judicial oversight, granting them censorship powers. The company says that this could lead to a catastrophic violation of Brazil's democratic values.
The controversial bill has also faced backlash from US tech giant Google, which warned consumers that its passing would make things worse. Google prominently displayed a message about it on its Brazilian homepage. However, Google removed the message after Brazil's National Consumer Protection Bureau issued an order mandating opposing views be given equal space, or face a fine of up to $200,000 per hour.
The messaging app Telegram has faced legal problems in Brazil previously, with a court ruling to suspend the app last month after it refused to provide the authorities with data requested on neo-Nazi groups, allegedly fueling violence in schools. However, the ruling was overturned after two days on appeal.
The Brazilian bill, which has been nicknamed the "fake news bill" and the "censorship bill," was first introduced three years ago but has yet to pass. It has faced staunch opposition from several quarters and could pose a significant threat to democracy in Brazil if it were to pass.
Additionally, the Brazilian legislation has been criticized for stifling political opposition and violating people's rights to free expression. The fate of the bill rests with a lower house of Congress vote, which could determine whether the bill becomes law or not.
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