Article | Risk Factors Associated with Suicidal Acts

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Published (Updated) on Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Suicide is a delibrate act of taking one's own life. Experts say suicidal acts are often not reported. According to WHO, over 800 000 people die by suicide every year and the percentage is higher in male than female often between the age of 15 to 45 years.
Risk Factors: Most of these are often linked to mental issues and are not predictive..
*Disfunctional childhood experience.
*Family history.
*Social isolation or delibrate feeling of being isolated.
* Certain religious ideologies.
*Adverse life events.
*Alcohol and Drug Addictions.
*Cultural history.
*Health or longtime physical challenges.
*Relationship/Marital issues.
*Financial difficulties.

Preventive Tips: - Regular medical check ups and counseling.
- Developing positive mind sets and getting busy with activities that add meaning to life.
- Reading inspirational books and partaking in motivational programs.
- Engaging in meaningful social and physical activities.
- Changing of environment, certain hynoptic ideologies and negative cultural beliefs.
- Associating with positive minded individuals.. etc

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