Article | Risk Factors Associated with Heart Attack

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Published (Updated) on Saturday, February 21, 2015
Heart attack arises when there are obstructions in blood vessels to the heart. In other words, when the heart is being starved of blood and oxygen. The very prominent sign of impending heart attack is frequent chest pains. However there could be other health reasons for having chest pain. It is always advisable to go proper medical checks when experiencing such pains.

The Risk Factors:
*Family History
*Advancing in Age (40yrs & above)
*Lack of physical activities
*Cardiac diseases
*High level of cholesterols in blood

People with the risk factors listed above are predisposed to having heart attacks which could lead to cardiac arrest often called ‘The silent killer’ (because it occurs with no warning). The obstruction of blood vessels to the heart could take up to 30 years. So regular medical examinations and review of some behavioral activities will help in preventing heart attacks.

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